I have try to import customer using csv file but each time display error

  1. Please make sure attribute "firstname" is not empty. in row(s): 1

I have already fill up with firstname entry its not blank but each time they show error for customer import.


  • Can you please update your question with a sample of your CSV data? Do not post the real data if it contains real customer names/addresses. Commented Jul 13, 2016 at 13:20

1 Answer 1


I have solve issue by adding _address_firstname and _address_lastname in header.

in my file missing above column and so its display error of firstname is invalid.

Below is header value using space separated and its working now.

email   _website    _store  store_id    created_in  website_id  group_id    firstname   lastname    _address_telephone  _address_postcode   _address_country_id _address_region _address_street _address_city   taxvat  _address_company    _address_default_billing_   _address_default_shipping_  _address_vat_id _address_firstname  _address_lastname

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