Can anybody tell me where they moved this?

Changed the footer.phtml in


But it is still being shown, so it must be somewhere else.

5 Answers 5


It is in two places:

  • in vendor/magento/module-theme/view/frontend/templates/html/footer.phtml as you said
  • but also in vendor/magento/module-theme/view/frontend/templates/html/bugreport.phtml

Regarding the second one you can remove the entire block with the following layout code:

<referenceBlock name="report.bugs" remove="true" />

For 2.4 you can hide this in admin.

Admin > Content > Design > Konfiguration > "Select theme" > Footer > "Display Report Bugs Link (Yes/No)"

enter image description here


You can remove the bug report links by adding layout code

<referenceBlock name="report.bugs" remove="true" />

In app/design/frontend/Vendor/theme/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml

NOTE: Location of your theme files may vary depending on the way Magento was installed.


Your answer is not correct. This will crash the search bar and the mini cart. The default.xml file needs to be in the following path:


you need override/base


In app/design/frontend/Vendor/theme/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml


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