It seems shopping cart prices are always applied to the price in the cart.
Is there a feature/module that allows shopping cart prices rules to be applied to the items original RRP/price regardless if it has a special price and or group price?
Use this event observer to set the shopping cart rule to base price of items instead speical or any group price.
public function updateccollects(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) { $quote = $observer->getQuoteAddress(); if ($quote->getData('address_type') == 'shipping') { // getting the items in cart $quoteObj= $quote->getQuote(); $cartItems = $quoteObj->getAllVisibleItems(); // print_r($cartItems); $totalPrice = 0; foreach($cartItems as $item) { $proId= $item->getId(); $productObj = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->load($proId); $originalPrice = $productObj->getPrice(); $totalBasePrice = $totalPrice + $originalPrice; } // get the applied rule ids $cartRuleId = $quoteObj->getAppliedRuleIds(); $salesRule = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule')->load($cartRuleId); $applyRule = $salesRule->getData('simple_action'); $discountAmmount = $salesRule->getData('discount_amount'); if($applyRule == "by_percent") { $finalDiscountAmount = $totalBasePrice*($discountAmmount/100); } $quote->setDiscountAmount($finalDiscountAmount); } }