Using the php bin/magento and deploying static content does work without throwing errors. This means that it's just having a problem getting Grunt going.

Processed Area: frontend, Locale: en_US, Theme: Vendor/broadway, File type: less.
-> css/styles-m.less
>> [Magento\Framework\Exception\FileSystemException]                                               
>>   The "/Users/my_username/Sites/sample/dir/dth.dev/" file doesn't exist or not a file

I have read this post How to add new theme name to grunt CLI command to run grunt tool in Magento 2? and have a further question. What does a typical Gruntfile.js look like so that I can configure Grunt properly?

I am also referring to the dev docs http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/frontend-dev-guide/css-topics/css_debug.html#grunt_prereq. In my /dev/tools/grunt/configs I have already added my theme there.

broadway: {
    area: 'frontend',
    name: 'Vendor/broadway',
    locale: 'en_US',
    files: [
    dsl: 'less'

now this path /Users/my_username/Sites/sample/dir/dth.dev/ is actually where my root Magento is installed. So it just isn't linking up properly somehow.

grunt exec:broadway is the command I ran.

Currently I am inheriting from Luma, but I can also inherit from Blank if needed.

2 Answers 2


this line should not be the number one (1) it should be a lower case L 'l'


Also, I did not type this out. I did copy and paste, but I can't remember from which guide.

  • turns out I was missing a comma ','
    – camdixon
    Commented Nov 4, 2016 at 14:43

You can refer Compile LESS with Grunt.

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