i want to show related of product other than current product on product details page by product id , how can i do this is there way to call related.phml block with different id than of current product .
1 Answer
Use below code:
$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$product = $model->load($product_id);
// Get all related product ids of $product.
$allRelatedProductIds = $product->getRelatedProductIds();
foreach ($allRelatedProductIds as $id) {
$relatedProduct = $model->load($id);
// get Product's name
echo $relatedProduct->getName();
// get product's short description
echo $relatedProduct->getShortDescription();
// get Product's Long Description
echo $relatedProduct->getDescription();
// get Product's Regular Price
echo $relatedProduct->getPrice();
// get Product's Special price
echo $relatedProduct->getSpecialPrice();
// get Product's Url
echo $relatedProduct->getProductUrl();
// get Product's image Url
echo $relatedProduct->getImageUrl();