Accepted solution is right, but I copy here the full @AntonGuz answer from the "Stack Overflow" (very well explained):
Yes, there is. You can look in pub static to see how path to static
asset constructed.
How it works
Every asset is accessible from the page by itenter code here
"RequireJS ID". It similar to real path, but varied.
For example file
It's real path is
. It's
RequireJS ID is Magento_Theme/favicon.ico
. This means that file
could be accessible via require("text!Magento_Theme/favicon.ico")
similar command.
You can find that RequireJS ID consist with module name and useful
part of path (after folder web
How can I replace a file
So you have file
On the page it loaded with src as
So its RequireJS ID is
Side note: Inside UI components stuff it equals to
. Words "template" and ".html" are
added automatically.
And now you can replace this file for application via RequireJS config
var config = {
"map": {
"*": {
This code snippet you place in requirejs-config.js
file in your
module. That is all.
Perhaps it will help somebody to understand as it occurs.