I am getting error when importing database to server.

#1005 - Can't create table 'smartools.sales_flat_quote_item' (errno: -1)

CREATE TABLE sales_flat_quote_item ( item_id int( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Item Id', quote_id int( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Quote Id', created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Created At', updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Updated At', product_id int( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Product Id', store_id smallint( 5 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Store Id', parent_item_id int( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Parent Item Id', is_virtual smallint( 5 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Is Virtual', sku varchar( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sku', name varchar( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name', description text COMMENT 'Description', applied_rule_ids text COMMENT 'Applied Rule Ids', additional_data text COMMENT 'Additional Data', free_shipping smallint( 5 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Free Shipping', is_qty_decimal smallint( 5 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Is Qty Decimal', no_discount smallint( 5 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'No Discount', weight decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Weight', qty decimal( 12, 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Qty', price decimal( 12, 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Price', base_price decimal( 12, 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Base Price', custom_price decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Custom Price', discount_percent decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Discount Percent', discount_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Discount Amount', base_discount_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Base Discount Amount', tax_percent decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Tax Percent', tax_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Tax Amount', base_tax_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Base Tax Amount', row_total decimal( 12, 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Row Total', base_row_total decimal( 12, 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Base Row Total', row_total_with_discount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Row Total With Discount', row_weight decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT '0.0000' COMMENT 'Row Weight', product_type varchar( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Product Type', base_tax_before_discount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Tax Before Discount', tax_before_discount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tax Before Discount', original_custom_price decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Original Custom Price', redirect_url varchar( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Redirect Url', base_cost decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Cost', price_incl_tax decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Price Incl Tax', base_price_incl_tax decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Price Incl Tax', row_total_incl_tax decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Row Total Incl Tax', base_row_total_incl_tax decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Row Total Incl Tax', hidden_tax_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Hidden Tax Amount', base_hidden_tax_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Hidden Tax Amount', gift_message_id int( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Gift Message Id', weee_tax_disposition decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Weee Tax Disposition', weee_tax_row_disposition decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Weee Tax Row Disposition', base_weee_tax_disposition decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Weee Tax Disposition', base_weee_tax_row_disposition decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Weee Tax Row Disposition', weee_tax_applied text COMMENT 'Weee Tax Applied', weee_tax_applied_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Weee Tax Applied Amount', weee_tax_applied_row_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Weee Tax Applied Row Amount', base_weee_tax_applied_amount decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Weee Tax Applied Amount', base_weee_tax_applied_row_amnt decimal( 12, 4 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Base Weee Tax Applied Row Amnt' ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COMMENT = 'Sales Flat Quote Item';

Can anyone help?

1 Answer 1


Error code #1005 can be caused by:

  • An existing table with same name
  • A problem with your foreign keys

Option 1 (An existing table with same name):

You have to drop that table or modify your import key with a CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS syntax.

Option 2 (A problem with your foreign keys):

Add the following line on the very top of your SQL script:


And the following at the very end:

  • I already did that.. When i export database that time I disabled foreign key check also i added drop table command.. But the strange thing is if i made a table with sales_flat_quote_item name this is showing that table can not be created error code -1
    – Asish Hira
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 5:49
  • Something in the MySQL log? Did you check if such table already exists? Commented May 23, 2016 at 7:34
  • Yes i checked that table not exits
    – Asish Hira
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 7:50
  • The same query works if i change the table name only
    – Asish Hira
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 7:50
  • Check in your MySQL directory if you see a file named "sales_flat_quote_item.frm". If yes you may have a DB inconistency. If yes drop the whole DB, recreate and reimport. Ps.: Make sure you have enough space. Commented May 23, 2016 at 8:32

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