I am using Porto Theme and I'm trying to remove product tool bar from the home page but it isn't working. My Magento version is

I'm using this method by Anders Wik

My theme configuration:

enter image description here

I also did it:

enter image description here

I've copied




and I also copied




But the toolbar is still there!!!

Here is the original local.xml of my theme:

    <update handle="MAP_popup"/>
    <reference name="top.container">
        <block type="core/template" name="home_slider">
            <action method="setTemplate" ifconfig="homeslider/general/slider_type" condition="0"><template>homeslider/home_slider.phtml</template></action>
        <remove name="pageHeader"/>
    <reference name="after_body_start">
        <block type="core/template" name="home_slider">
            <action method="setTemplate" ifconfig="homeslider/general/slider_type" condition="1"><template>homeslider/home_slider_top.phtml</template></action>
    <reference name="newsletter_popup">
        <action method="setTemplate" ifconfig="porto_settings/newsletter_popup/enabled" condition="1"><template>newsletter/popup.phtml</template></action>

This is where I want to remove the toolbar. Only on the home page.

It will be great if anyone could tell me where I am doing wrong here. Thanks!

1 Answer 1


try to remove your toolbar right after your handle

   <remove name="your.toolbar.name"/>

But care, it will be remove on all your cms pages. To avoid it, you have to create a custom handle specially for your home page


and remove the toolbar in this custom homepage handle

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