If you add a custom options to a product you can add, for example for dropdown options, a product sku suffix as shown below.
On choosing an option when adding the product to cart and retrieving the SKU in the cart var_dump($_item->getSku());
you can see the products SKU has been changed
Now for dynamically updating the SKU on the product page. For this we will need to retrieve the option values SKU's which can be done in the file app/design/frontend/[package]/[template]/template/catalog/product/view/options.phtml
for example. In this case around line 190 after the javascript we add/replace some code as shown below. This will give you a javascript array which you can use when a custom option is selected to map the option ID to the SKU suffix and changing the displayed product SKU on the product page.
<?php $options_to_sku = array();?>
<?php foreach($_options as $_option): ?>
<?php echo $this->getOptionHtml($_option) ?>
if ($_option->getType() == 'drop_down')
$options_to_sku["{$_option->getId()}"] = array();
foreach ($_option->getValues() as $k => $v)
$options_to_sku["{$_option->getId()}"]["{$v->getData('option_type_id')}"] = $v->getData('sku');
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var options_to_sku = <?php echo json_encode($options_to_sku);?>;
$$('.product-custom-option').each(function(elm) {
$(elm).observe('change', function() {
var sku_suffix = '';
$$('.product-custom-option').each(function(opt) {
if ($(opt).value.length==0) // no value selected
var opt_id = $(opt).readAttribute('id').replace('select_','');
if (!!!options_to_sku[opt_id]) // no option values array found
if (!!!options_to_sku[opt_id][$(opt).value]) // no sku found matching value id
sku_suffix += '-' + options_to_sku[opt_id][$(opt).value]; // add to suffix
* add here the code that adds the suffix to your SKU