I have following module for courses added on my magento store
class Abhi_Courses_Block_Course_List extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
public function __construct()
$courses = Mage::getResourceModel('abhi_courses/course_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('status', 1);
$courses->setOrder('display_order', 'asc');
and following code to get courses list on list template.
$_courses = $this->getCourses();
I have two websites setup, one for UK and another for US and there are two different display order fields for both websites
I am able to get the current website store on list template but not able to sort the courses based on particular field like if user is on UK site courses should be sorted by display_order_us field value.
I tried following but its not working ( passing field as parameter )
$_courses = $this->getCourses('display_order');
and in controller
public $param;
public function __construct($sort_order='')
$courses = Mage::getResourceModel('abhi_courses/course_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('status', 1);
if($sort_order !=''){
$courses->setOrder('display_order', 'asc');