I updated Magento version to 1.9.2 (CE) using following steps:

===== Steps to upgrade ======

After taking backup of all files and databases(.sql file).

  1. Disable cache.
  2. rm -rf lib/Mage/
  3. rm -rf lib/Magento/
  4. rm -rf lib/Zend/
  5. rm -rf lib/Cm/
  6. rm -rf lib/3Dsecure/
  7. rm -rf lib/PEAR/
  8. rm -rf app/code/community/Cm
  9. rm -rf app/code/community/Phoenix
  10. rm -rf app/code/core
  11. Extract/install latest magento 1.9.2
  12. Flush cache (rm -rf var/cache/*)

After updating magento, using above steps, I stuck into an issue of "404 page not found" on all pages

  • parveen pal,please put your solution part at Answer section
    – Amit Bera
    Commented May 3, 2016 at 7:51

1 Answer 1



After struggling for many hours I found a issue which was on my magento store mysql tables. There was some incorrect entries when compared with latest magento version tables.

There is 3 tables ( core_website, core_store, core_store_group ) in magento which is responsible for magento stores. Compare all entries of these 3 tables with fresh install of magento mysql tables.




This solved my issue.

Hope someone find it useful.

Let me know if anyone having issue.

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