I've had 10 products which are almost identical except diameter so I've added a configurable product and it's working just fine. Downside: existing reviews of the old products are lost. Is there a way to transfer reviews from the old to the new product

2 Answers 2


I assume that you have using Magento 1.x version.

There are tricky ways,you can do.

Magento, save product id for review model at review table at entity_pk_value column.

So if you have to change product ids at their it will work.

But note that :

you should select those products then which ids is getter than 0 (gt>1 )

FROM  `review` 
WHERE entity_pk_value >0
ORDER BY  `review`.`entity_pk_value`
  • hmmm...this kind of works...the issue comes if you display the review count and review summary. Those need to be moved too. I havent found a way yet. Commented May 18, 2018 at 20:21

Found and tested a guide.

There are 2 steps below:

Query (test on your development machine first):

  • update review set entity_pk_value = NEWPRODUCT_ID where entity_pk_value = OLDPRODUCT_ID;
  • update rating_option_vote set entity_pk_value = NEWPRODUCT_ID where entity_pk_value = OLDPRODUCT_ID;
  • update rating_option_vote_aggregated set entity_pk_value = NEWPRODUCT_ID where entity_pk_value = OLDPRODUCT_ID;
  • UPDATE review_entity_summary SET entity_pk_value = 'NEWPRODUCT_ID ' WHERE entity_pk_value = OLDPRODUCT_ID;

Then you go to that affected review in admin section and save it.

Resource from: https://www.silvatechsolutions.com/tech-tips/moving-reviews-one-product-another-magento/

Also tested on development + production environment.

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