Is it possible to get list of all overridden controllers ?
How do I get a list of all class rewrites? mainly applies for blocks, helpers and models.
Is it possible to get list of all overridden controllers ?
How do I get a list of all class rewrites? mainly applies for blocks, helpers and models.
The xpath solution works also for controller overrides, if you modify it to:
print_r( Mage::getConfig()->getNode()->xpath('//routers/*/args/modules/../..'));
Note that not all of these are actual "overrides", some just add new methods to existing routes. For example, all custom admin controllers will show up below Mage_Adminhtml
because they all are added to the adminhtml
I also highly recommend n98's Magento CLI toolkit, n98-magerun.
To get an output of rewrites you would do n98-magerun.phar dev:module:rewrite:list
You can also check for conflicts specifically by using n98-magerun.phar dev:module:rewrite:conflicts