I'm attempting to install Fooman Speedster Advanced for a client's site but to no avail, I keep recieving the below error when attempting to install.

Has anyone had this before and if so how did you fix it? See below the logs from Magento Connect.

Checking dependencies of packages Starting to download Fooman_SpeedsterAdvanced-0.8.9-beta.tgz ...

CONNECT ERROR: Package not found: Fooman_SpeedsterAdvanced 0.8.9-beta Package 'Fooman_Common' is invalid './app/code/community/Fooman/Common/Block/Adminhtml/Extensioninfo.php' already exists


1 Answer 1


It's not safe to use Magento connect for installing extension , click this link for more information.

in the worst case, if you want immediate solution , Alternatively you can install the extension through FTP (like FileZilla). You can paste the extension key in this unofficial link and you can download the extension files. Let me know if you find any problems in this.

Note : As this is unofficial 3rd party site, there is no guarantee about security. but i tested many extensions, i did't faced any security problems....

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