So I will put together what I think is the basic knowledge you need about layout xml files. Note I may have got somethings missing but I am sure someone will add some more detail if needed.
A layout file is made up for the following section.
- Layout Handle,
- Blocks,
Layout Handle
The layout handle basically tells Magento when to use the xml that it surrounds. They are normally built up from the following:
- Unique router defined in your config.xml,
- The controller name,
- The action taking place,
Lets take the customer my account page under the url /customer/account/index/ for an example:
First place to look is the file /app/code/core/Mage/Customer/etc/config.xml here you will find the following code:
This defines that the router "customer" will use the module "Mage_Customer". So we have our router 'customer'. The controller is then the second part of the url, so in our case it is 'account'. Finally our action is the index action as stated in our url, note if it is not set then both the controller and action default to index.
So our layout handle is <customer_account_index>
. You can see the default layout handle in the body of the but with - and not _.
So to add a block it is fairly simple. Inside your layout handle add the following code.
<block type="sample/customer_example" name="sample" />
Here you will need the blocks
section of your confg.xml setup as follows, where the <sample>
node matches the section of the type
before the /.
For our example to work we would need a block file under Sample/Code/Block/Customer/Example.php
As well as the type
you can specify a name
this must be unique and will used later to update or remove this block. You can also specify a template
here which is useful.
So say we have added our block on the customer_account_index handle and we decide in another extension that we want to remove it well we can use the remove tag at this point. Again we specify the layout handle but then we can call remove on the unique name.
<remove name="sample" />
You can also call methods on blocks, the best example of this would be to change the template of a block. If we wanted to do this we would need again the layout handle, then the reference
with the unique name of the block we want to change and finally the action.
<reference name="sample">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>new/template/file.phtml</template></action>
Finally the update
tag. This allows you to include the complete layout from another handle. This is useful when you do not want to duplicate your code, perfect example is the customer_account handle which covers the basic information. You can see the following almost all the other layout handles for customer.
<customer_address_form translate="label">
<update handle="customer_account"/>
All this is saying is please include the layout for the handle "X" in our case customer_account in my layout.
files which are used to define the layouts used for generating output.