In some cases of catalog price rules i have noticed, that the final price after rule being applied is rounded incorrectly.

Example: Nett Price for one unit: 22.67 EUR Rule: 50% of original price

Final price: 11.000 It should be:11.335

Changing rule to 47%

Final price: 12.000 It should be 12.0151

This rule is applied to 2 categories, some products are ok, some with above problems, I can’t find the clue.

IMPORTANT the problem occur if more than one rule is applied for the same product, even if they have "no further rule processing" enabled.

Any ideas? I assume the problem is with the "stop further rule processing".

If it is limitation to community edition, please let me know at least.

1 Answer 1


Had exactly same issue. If final price was ending with .50 or lower, it would drop the decimal part, and if .51 and higher, it would keep it.

This started happening as we updated from magento CE to

After spending a day digging, I found that it happens in mysql. Portion of the sql code that produces error:

                WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') != cppt.grouped_id THEN @price := 
                    CASE `cppt`.`action_operator` 
                        WHEN 'to_percent' THEN cppt.price * cppt.action_amount/100
                        WHEN 'by_percent' THEN cppt.price * (1 - cppt.action_amount/100)
                        WHEN 'to_fixed' THEN IF((cppt.action_amount < cppt.price), cppt.action_amount, cppt.price)
                        WHEN 'by_fixed' THEN IF((0 > cppt.price - cppt.action_amount), 0, cppt.price - cppt.action_amount) 
                WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') = cppt.grouped_id AND IFNULL((@action_stop), 0) = 0 THEN @price := 
                    CASE `cppt`.`action_operator`
                        WHEN 'to_percent' THEN @price * cppt.action_amount/100 
                        WHEN 'by_percent' THEN @price * (1 - cppt.action_amount/100) 
                        WHEN 'to_fixed' THEN IF((cppt.action_amount < @price), cppt.action_amount, @price)
                        WHEN 'by_fixed' THEN IF((0 > @price - cppt.action_amount), 0, @price - cppt.action_amount) 
                ELSE @price := @price -- <= THIS LINE CAUSES decimal into string conversion with rounding
            END AS `rule_price`,
            `cppt`.`from_date` AS `latest_start_date`, 
            `cppt`.`to_date` AS `earliest_end_date`, 
                WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') != cppt.grouped_id THEN @action_stop := cppt.action_stop
                WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') = cppt.grouped_id THEN @action_stop := IFNULL((@action_stop), 0) + cppt.action_stop 
            @group_id := cppt.grouped_id, 

        FROM `catalogrule_product_price_tmp` AS `cppt` 
        ORDER BY 
            `cppt`.`grouped_id` ASC, 
            `cppt`.`sort_order` ASC, 
            `cppt`.`rule_product_id` ASC;

The line that was causing the error was: @price := @price

The solution is to edit the file app/code/core/Mage/CatalogRule/Model/Action/Index/Refresh.php, in method _calculatePrice() around line 440:

                       $byFixed   => $this->_connection->getCheckSql(
                        new Zend_Db_Expr('0 > @price - cppt.action_amount'),
                        new Zend_Db_Expr('0'),
                        new Zend_Db_Expr('@price - cppt.action_amount')
        '@price := @price' // <-- the culprit

replace with:

                       $byFixed   => $this->_connection->getCheckSql(
                        new Zend_Db_Expr('0 > @price - cppt.action_amount'),
                        new Zend_Db_Expr('0'),
                        new Zend_Db_Expr('@price - cppt.action_amount')
        '@price' // remove ':= @price' to fix rounding bug
  • Thank you very much, i'll check it ASAP, and i'll post the result.
    – grabusik
    Commented May 12, 2016 at 9:14
  • This is indeed the solution to this problem, does anyone know it this bug is reported to Magento? Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 16:22
  • It looks to be solved in Magento Catalog price rules return the correct price. Commented Nov 15, 2016 at 14:23
  • Thanks a lot. I can confirm this is the solution, just ran into this on a installation. Commented Dec 2, 2016 at 13:52
  • This solution also fixed my issue - see magento.stackexchange.com/questions/153135/…
    – Sarah
    Commented Jan 4, 2017 at 15:48

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