Is it possible to override Magento 2 Luma phtml Files? I've created a new theme based on Luma which is working perfectly but I can't find any phtml files anywhere.
I've also noticed my app/code directory is completely empty.
Is it possible to override Magento 2 Luma phtml Files? I've created a new theme based on Luma which is working perfectly but I can't find any phtml files anywhere.
I've also noticed my app/code directory is completely empty.
you can find luma theme files are located
copy from here
add in your theme
you are missing templates
in path /app/design/frontend/Penguin/default/Magento_Theme/templates/html/header.phtml
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US
Feb 16, 2016 at 7:29
this will be your file path
Feb 16, 2016 at 7:51
empty is ok if you installed via Composer!
In your app/design/frontend/Magento/luma
folder you can find all your modules that are customized either from app/design/frontend/Magento/luma
or the core modules app/code/Magento/
For catalog list phtml you can for example copy the files from
into your custom app/design/frontend/<yourvendorfolder>/<yourthemefolder>/Magento_Catalog/templates/html/list.phtml
here you go, think you should run through the devdocs some more to get to know the logic behind the magento2 file and override structure. its not like Magento1 just copy over few templates files and done. 85% is done via layout xml files and just small bits via phtml.
Good luck!
to design in app but after clear cache theme not apply new template