I have a setup where I am running a multi store system but I need different frontpages for every store. So I got my phtml-template sitting around and getting dynamically filled.
Now I added three more blocks (left, middle, right) on the frontpage and want to use the static block title as a heading for those blocks. (Maybe using the block title isn´t smart at all, I don´t know, guide me. :-))
When I am using the following code, I have output from different stores in place of my title:
<div class="grid_3">
<?php echo Mage::getModel('cms/block')->load('startseite_links')->getTitle() ?>
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('startseite_links')->toHtml() ?>
I wondered if there is another (simple) way to output the block title to use it as a heading. Whenever I search for outputting the block title I just stumble upon the getModel()
Any other ways to go? Or better drop block titles as headings?
select * from cms_block where identifier = "startseite_links"
) twice in a row.