I need to override Mage_Tag_Model_Resource_Tag_Relation for a site I'm working on.

I have already created my class that extends Mage_Tag_Model_Resource_Tag_Relation:

class Web_Core_Model_Tag_Resource_Tag_Relation extends Mage_Tag_Model_Resource_Tag_Relation
    public function loadByTagCustomer($model)

And placed that in the file app/code/local/Web/Core/Model/Tag/Resource/Tag/Relation.php

In the module's config.xml (which is activated, since there are other parts of the module that are working, I added:


I'm guessing this is wrong, since it is not working... How should I declare the overriding in my config.xml? Am I in the right track?

1 Answer 1


You did not rewrite resource class in proper method and did not follow up magento resource model class format that why it does not override properly.

Basic format of overwrite a resource class is



As per as ,magento tag_resource is resource type of magento Mage_Tage module,which prefix class is Mage_Tag_Model_Resource

See at config.xml of Mage_Tag Module


You modified code:


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