I have followed this tutorial from inchoo.net to get a test module to override a frontend module and it worked. I am now trying to override an adminhtml module, but without much less success.
<Ps_Newletter before="Mage_Adminhtml">Ps_Newsletter_Adminhtml</Ps_Newletter>
class Ps_Newsletter_Block_Adminhtml_Newsletter_Queue_Grid_Renderer_Action
extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Newsletter_Queue_Grid_Renderer_Action
public function render(Varien_Object $row)
$actions[] = array(
'url' => $this->getUrl('*/newsletter_queue/send',array('id'=>$row->getId())),
'caption' => Mage::helper('newsletter')->__('Send'),
'popup' => true
return parent::render($row);
I have tried to follow a similar technique to the test module, while adding the additional nodes in for it being on the admin side, then tried this tutorial, I guess i've missed something, but what am I doing wrong?
I have var_dump($actions) and it is displaying expected information, however "send" is not being applied in the action section, below "preview". When I add the above code into the core file it works. So what is happing here that is different? (I thought that extending a file would output the extension value as well as block are called automatically....or so i believe)
. This will override all of your newsletter blocks for frontend. You will get a lot of errors or missing sections in frontend.