The tabs are added in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Dashboard_Grids::_prepareLayout
Here is how a tab structure looks like:
$this->addTab('reviewed_products', array(
'label' => $this->__('Most Viewed Products'), //label
'url' => $this->getUrl('*/*/productsViewed', array('_current'=>true)), //url that returns the content
'class' => 'ajax' //marker that the content is requested through ajax.
You can add tab that does not retrieve data through ajax.
$this->addTab('ordered_products', array(
'label' => $this->__('Bestsellers'), //label
'content' => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/dashboard_tab_products_ordered')->toHtml(), //tab content
'active' => true //mark this as the active tab
What you can do is to override the method above and add your own tabs (content or ajax).
Here is how you can override a block
And in your new block do this:
protected function _prepareLayout(){
parent::_prepareLayout();//add original tabs
$this->addTab('custom', array(
'label' => $this->__('Custom'), //label
'url' => $this->getUrl('*/controller/action', array('_current'=>true)), //url that returns the content
'class' => 'ajax' //marker that the content is requested through ajax.
$this->addTab('other_tab', array(
'label' => $this->__('Some label'), //label
'content' => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('custom/block_name')->toHtml(), //tab content
return $this;
[Second degree edit]
Here is a small sample module that does this. Let's call it Easylife_Test
- the declaration file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Adminhtml />
- the configuration file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- the new block
class Easylife_Test_Block_Adminhtml_Dashboard_Grids extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Dashboard_Grids{
protected function _prepareLayout(){
$this->addTab('custom', array(
'label' => $this->__('Custom tab'),
'content' => 'content here',