On October 22, 2015, Magento will release security patch SUPEE-6788. According to the technical details, 4 APPSEC's that have been fixed require some rework in local and community modules. I'm trying to fix one on my modules but cant seem to get the admin routing working correctly. The extension pages cant be found anymore (404). Here are my files ...
\app\code\community\SolideWebservices\Flexslider\etc\config.xml contains:
<flexslider after="Mage_Adminhtml">SolideWebservices_Flexslider_Adminhtml</flexslider>
\app\code\community\SolideWebservices\Flexslider\etc\admin.xml contains:
<flexslider translate="title" module="flexslider">
<title>Manage Groups</title>
<title>Manage Slides</title>
And there are two controllers:
class SolideWebservices_Flexslider_Adminhtml_GroupController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action {
protected function _initAction() {
return $this;
public function indexAction() {
} ......
class SolideWebservices_Flexslider_Adminhtml_SlideController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action {
protected function _initAction() {
return $this;
public function indexAction() {
protected function _isAllowed() {
return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('cms/flexslider/slide');
} ....
What's going on, why is the admin routing not working?