I have extended out the Magento API so that I can intercept sales_order.list and not expose all orders to a third party API. This worked fine when only one service was using this API, now there is another 'consumer' of the sales_order.list and I need to differentiate between whom is logged in.

I would prefer to do this the proper Magento way, e.g. to find the API Username of the box accessing sales_order.list, at a push I could check remote IP address but that could change, hence authentication credentials are what I would prefer to check.

I have tried to look at if there is an equivalent of admin/session but could not find anything helpful.


Thanks to @Anna I was able to find a solution for this.


public function setPartner(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {

    $user = $observer->getEvent()->getModel()->getData('username');


Then in my extended API code:

$partner = Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getPartner();

This now pulls through the 'username' of my API user, so I can therefore block this user from certain things.

Interestingly, in API code land, I could not set a registry value in my observer to then pick up in my extended API code for sales_order.list.

I was stuck for a direction to look in for an answer, @Anna's answer gave me the direction I needed although not a complete solution.

1 Answer 1


While I am not sure if there is any better solution, I found that there is an event dispatched in the login method of Mage_Api_Model_User.

The event is:

Mage::dispatchEvent('api_user_authenticated', array(
    'model'    => $this,
    'api_key'  => $apiKey,

You could observe this event, check the api_key and set a flag in core/session then.

  • Thanks for the tip. That set me off in the right direction. I actually wanted the api username (or else I would be baking in the password into my code). Commented Oct 21, 2015 at 12:08
  • Cool! Happy you made it :) Commented Oct 21, 2015 at 18:14

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