I have many categories and sub-categories. In any sub-category i have many products with attributes.
I want to change my advanced search style like this :
My categories are displayed as dropdown.
My sub-categories are displayed too as dropdown.
Only product's attribute are displayed according to category.
For example :
I have computer category (parent) and in this category i have many other sub-categories like laptop , device .... (child) and in laptop i have many laptop's product and any laptop i assign to it many attribute like (Processor, Cache Memory, System Memory (RAM) ...)
I want to change my advanced search style like that :
when i select computer categories in dropdown, the sub-categories dropdown must display me laptop,device ... and when i select for exemple laptop i want that to display me Processor, Cache Memory, System Memory (RAM) fields for my search.
Any ideas or informations can help me to realize that? Thanks