I'm at the brink of finishing a major project with magento here. However, there's this one really weird bug left I need to fix. My verdict:

  • I am on a product view page, currently on the english version
  • I hover on the language switch button and see, that the link is exactly the same as the current sites link, only with the extra "fromstoreid-tostoreen" appended.
  • I click on the button to change the language, to Indonesian that is
  • Now, my store is viewed on Indonesian, BUT, it is a completely different product than that shown on the previous language(english)
  • When I switch back to english, again, a different product is shown, even different than when I first viewed it on the english store, it kind of redirects me to random products without a pattern

Info: it only happens with products that has numbers in it(the entity_id at the end of the link), but works perfectly for number-less links I am using magento 1.9.1

  • are you sure it's not the same product but with a different store view, as you may know, products can be different on a store view level. Aug 21, 2015 at 7:17
  • @JulienLachal Hi Julien, yeah, I'm pretty sure that it is not the same product. Another anomaly I stumbled on was that the same product, can have different link when viewed on a different language. For example, If i was on the EN store, the link of product #3456 would be www.somelink.com/store/slug-3456.html BUT when I were to switch language, the very same product would show a different link, say: www.somelink.com/store/slug-4094.html
    – borislemke
    Aug 21, 2015 at 8:59
  • Have you tried reindexing them? Clearing Magento's cahe and all that jazz? Aug 21, 2015 at 12:36


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