I'm, trying to define and implement observers to catch comments on the checkout page and write them into the database. But when I want to place an order I get the following exception:

Mage registry key "_singleton/checkoutcomments/observer" already exists

Do I get this error because the model is not called properly?

Here is my code:

The config.xml of the module





My Observer.php


class Practice_CheckoutComments_Model_Observer

    public function prepareCheckoutComment ($observer)
        $message = $observer->getControllerAction()

    public function saveCheckoutComment ($observer)
        $order = $observer->getOrder();
        $message = Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getCheckoutComment(true);

        if (!$order || empty($message)) {

        $commentModel = Mage::getModel('checkoutcomments/comment');


1 Answer 1


The observer name of every observer has to be unique. So at least one of the save_checkout_comments tags has to go. I normally use the module name + event so in your case that would be



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