is this possible? I can't restructure the tables over again every time I need to run a certain dependent function.
$catSQL = "SELECT *
FROM `catalog_product_entity_int`
WHERE `attribute_id` =96 //our status attribute id
AND `value` =2"; //disabled value
This gets all disabled products. However, this table is indexed by Id. I'm passed a number of sku's, how can I merge this table with something like catalog_product_entity and search by an array of skus? Essentially I need to get the Id of all disabled products and then check their quantities in the stock_item table.
Thanks to Marius below i've acomplished the above with the following:
function getDisabledIdsFromSkus($arraySkus){
$conn = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
$ComponentSkustring = $this->format($arraySkus);
$anotherRoute = "SELECT k.`qty`
FROM `catalog_product_entity` i
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_int e ON i.entity_id = e.entity_id
RIGHT JOIN cataloginventory_stock_item k ON i.entity_id = k.item_id
WHERE e.`attribute_id` =96
AND e.`value` =2
AND i.`sku` IN ($string)
ORDER BY i.`sku` ASC ";
$componentQuantities = ($conn->fetchAll($anotherRoute));
Mage::log(print_r($componentQuantities, true));
private function format($array)
// initialize variable
$formattedArray = array();
//for each element
foreach ($array as $string) {
//append quotes
$formattedArray[] = "'" . $string . "'";
//convert formatted elements to string and return
$formattedString = implode(',', $formattedArray);
return $formattedString;