I have a list of over 200 countries I need to allow for an EE 1.13 site. I'd prefer not to do this through the admin interface because it is tedious and I am error prone. Is it possible to set Allow Countries directly in the database, programmatically or using n98-magerun?

1 Answer 1


This can be edited in the db. A few thoughts, though:

  • Don't edit the db directly. Because this is a config setting you can call saveConfig(); Make an upgrade script (example saveConfig below)
  • This value won't exist in core_config_data if you've never saved it in the admin panel.

enter image description here


$config = Mage::getModel('core/config');
$config->saveConfig('general/country/allow', "AF,AX,AL,DZ", 'default', 0);
  • Use n98-magerun if you i.e. migrate a live system to a development system to change settings. In case of deliver system configurations with an update it's better to bundle the config with a upgrade script.
    – cmuench
    Commented Jul 30, 2013 at 17:26

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