I think I've kicked the hornets nest. I have a custom db table. I am displaying a list of products in admin similar to the related products tab or the upsell tab.

I want the id's of selected products (those the user has ticked) to go into my database field in the form of a single-dimensional array (1,2,3,4).

Is this insane, possible, sort-of-crazy?

I have the module and the product table but I can't get the data into the database. Any pointers would be helpful, thank you!

  • Yes, your architecture is a bit wrong. The correct approach will be to have a relations table instead. Commented Jun 18, 2013 at 8:36

1 Answer 1


I'm assuming that you are already displaying the grid and the on a tab of the edit product page.
I'm also assuming you are only looking for a way to save the posted data into your table.
If either assumption is wrong, please rephrase your question.

First, create an observer method that is triggered when a product is saved in the admin. There are many possible events that could be used, but probably catalog_product_save_after in the adminhtml area is a good one.

In your observer method, fetch the posted ID's from the request object:

$ids = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('your_ids', array());

Then, instantiate the model (if your table data is represented by a model) or simply a resource model (if you want to only write to the table without the ORM), and pass the $ids to the corresponding method.


Since you already managed to create the grid on the tab, I'll add in a final assumption that you know about models, resource models and event observers. If not, please ask a new question about them.


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