I am new to php/magento to for warn you. I am making a script to grab some quick info. I am using magento This script works fine until the telephone number is empty and then it stops. It is in a php file. see anything?
require_once('app/Mage.php'); //Path to Magento
$collection = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection();
echo "$sz total customers</br>";
echo '<table cellpadding="5"> ';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td> </td><td>ID </td><td>Qty </td><td>Name </td><td> Email</td> <td> Phone</td>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($collection as $user){
$orders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')
if($orders->getSize() >= 5){
catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->errorMessage();
echo '<tr>';
echo "<td> $count </td>";
echo "<td> $tmpID </td>";
echo "<td> $ordercount </td>";
echo "<td> $name </td>";
echo "<td> $email </td>";
echo "<td> $phone </td>";
echo '</tr>';
//echo "$count-ID: $tmpID Number Of Orders: $ordercount $name $email $phone </br>";
echo '</table>';