Here is a step by step guide to install the Magento 2 Progressive Web App (PWA) Studio:
System Requirements:
PHP 7.3 or later
MySQL 5.7 or later
Magento 2.3.x
Node.js 14.x
Yarn 1.22.x
Clone the Magento 2 PWA Studio repository:
Open the terminal or command prompt
Run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the pwa-studio directory:
Run the following command:
cd pwa-studio
Install the required dependencies:
Run the following command:
yarn install
Create a new project using the following command:
yarn create @magento/pwa
Navigate to the project directory:
Run the following command:
Add Magento 2 as a server:
Run the following command:
yarn run buildpack create-env
Start the development server:
Run the following command:
yarn run watch
Access the PWA Studio frontend:
Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080
Test the PWA Studio installation:
Test the installation by making changes to the storefront and verifying that the changes are reflected in the browser.
Note: The above steps are just an overview, for more detailed instructions and troubleshooting guide, refer to the official Magento 2 PWA Studio documentation.