I have a custom module. In its controller I set a global variable as shown below
public function someAction()
if (<some_condition_met>) {
$id = 12;
$item = Mage::getModel('mymodel/entity')->load($id);
Mage::register('my_entity', $item); //registering global variable
Now I am observing on an event controller_action_postdispatch_customer_account_loginPost
. I need to validate my global variable there. So in my observer I tried this.
public function myObserver()
if (<some_condition_met>) {
$item = Mage::registry('my_entity');
But it outputS
Why I can't get a global variable in this observer ?
I am 100% sure that, my controller successfully registers that value. I try to pass a static value. It also doesn't work.
Side note: when we try to get a global variable that set by a controller inside a block, it will surely return data. Here I assume i am not getting an output because, I am trying to get the global variable, during another controller action takes place. I am not sure about this point. However it seems like that.