I am using magento 2.4.3-p2.
I have installed PWA studio with venia concept theme. I have followed adobe docs to install PWA studio on my local system.
I am facing an issue with the cart page. basically, I have added some products to the cart, the products are visible in the mini cart but when I click on "Edit Shopping Bag" the /cart page is showing "There are no items in your cart. ".
I have checked the dev tools -> console, i am getting "[GraphQL error]: Message: Cannot query field "errors" on type "CartItemInterface"., Location: [object Object], Path: undefined".
API : https://testpwa.magento.com:8530/graphql?query=query+GetCartDetails%28%24cartId
dev-tools-> network- > Fetch/xhr -> preview "errors: [{message: "Cannot query field "errors" on type "CartItemInterface".",…}]"
dev-tools-> network- > Fetch/xhr -> response "{"errors":[{"message":"Cannot query field "errors" on type "CartItemInterface".","extensions":{"category":"graphql"},"locations".