I had an additional information tab on our product view page which displayed Attributes set to be 'Visible on Product View Page on Front-end'.

I deleted the attributes as they had been named incorrectly but when I created a new attribute with the same setting & in the correct attribute group it does not show in a additional information tab anymore. The additional information tab seems to be not working.

I've checked the store scope when I added content to the new attribute from the Manage Products > Edit Product admin page. I'm not sure what I could be missing?

I've refreshed my cache & re-indexed too.

Here are my screen shots of the setting.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

  • Did you add your attribute to the correct Attribute Sets. Category -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Sets Commented Sep 12, 2014 at 18:25

3 Answers 3


I found the problem. There is an extension on the our Magento Instalation called amasty color swatches which has a script on the page which disables the additional info tab.

here it is:

<script type="text/javascript">
                        var amConfAutoSelectAttribute = 1;
                        confData = new AmConfigurableData({"9":{"short_description":"<p>Lorem Ipsim<\/p>","description":"<p>More Lorem Ipsum<\/p>","not_is_in_stock":false,"attributes":"    <h2>Additional Information<\/h2>\n    <table class=\"data-table\" id=\"product-attribute-specs-table\">\n        <col width=\"25%\" \/>\n        <col \/>\n        <tbody>\n                    <tr>\n                <th class=\"label\">TEST ATTR<\/th>\n                <td class=\"data\"><p>More Lorem Ipsum.<\/p><\/td>\n            <\/tr>\n                <\/tbody>\n    <\/table>\n    <script type=\"text\/javascript\">decorateTable('product-attribute-specs-table')<\/script>\n","name":"COnf Atr 1","price_html":"\n\n                        // code ommited for brevity
                        confData.textNotAvailable = "Choose previous option please...";
                        confData.mediaUrlMain = "http://dev.domain.local/amconf/media/index/id/13/";
                        confData.oneAttributeReload = "1";
                        confData.imageContainer = ".product-img-box";
                        confData.useSimplePrice = "1";

I was unable to disable this setting from the extensions settings on the admin panel. I had to comment out line 62 of


 //'attributes'        => Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('catalog/product_view_attributes', 'product.attributes', array('template' => "catalog/product/view/attributes.phtml"))->setProduct($simple)->toHtml()

I don't think this is a good solution though as the extension is grabing this data to swap simple product attributes with the parent configurable product attributes on the product view page. I think the whole issue arises as the module is not compatible with Magento 1.9 rwd theme which puts the additional information in a tab.


After creating your attribute, did you add your attribute to the correct Attribute Sets.

In Admin goto

Category -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Sets


First add one attribute in Backend Category->Attributes ->Manage Attributes.

enter image description here

Then in Frontend section Mark it Visible on Product View Page.

enter image description here.

Add label to your attribute.

enter image description here

Add/Drag attribute to default attribute set in Category-> Attributes->Manage Attribute Set.

enter image description here

Then Add new product and you will see your newly added attribute.

enter image description here

Save your product and you should be able to see new attribute vale on PDP.

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