So, I'm building a custom module to allow admins to define some custom business logic. I have most of it worked out at this point but I would like to tap into the admin action log that is included in Magento Enterprise Edition.

Is there a helper or model that automatically picks up the current user information (ID, time, IP, etc) and just allows me to specify the unique-to-my-module info?

2 Answers 2


You need to create a file called logging.xml in the etc folder of your module. where you should list your logged events. Take as example the logging.xml from the Enterprise_Logging module.
Should look something like this. Replace the markup with your own values:

<{entityCodeHere} translate="label">
    <label>{Entity Label here}</label>
        <{moduleName}__{entityName}/> <!-- replace the slash in the parameter you give to Mage::getModel() when instatiating the object with double underscore -->
        <adminhtml_{contrller}_{action}> <!-- or {module}_adminhtml_{contrller}_{action} . It depends on how the extension looks. It's basically the same as the layout handle for the page-->
     <!-- add as many actions as you want -->

I hope I didn't miss something. Anyway, this is the right direction.

  • Oh wow. I should've guessed it would be XML based lol. I'll try this out and let you know. Thanks! Commented May 2, 2013 at 16:51

Important note here: Enterprise_Logging module logs events performed only with adminhtml route:


If you have admin controller with custom router, you need to add additional observer to you module to call controllerPostdispatch method.

For example, if you have router called ordermanager:


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