I am creating a Custom form in admin of magento 2,and I want to add media gallery for same product form(Images and video Tab https://prnt.sc/w926fk ) into this form https://prnt.sc/w928bi
please help me with this issue . Thank much!
I am creating a Custom form in admin of magento 2,and I want to add media gallery for same product form(Images and video Tab https://prnt.sc/w926fk ) into this form https://prnt.sc/w928bi
please help me with this issue . Thank much!
First you check magenot 2 default xml file like :- vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/adminhtml/ui_component/product_form.xml
and check magento default code
And same as edit code in your custom module.And Below links is helpful
Please can your try this link :-
If any query Please ask me.