My custom model collection has a database table that contains store_ids value separated by comma like this:

ID | store_ids  |
 1 |  0,1,3     |
 2 |  1         |
 3 |  0,1       |
 4 |  0,2       |
 5 |  3         |

I'm using this input field to save the store_ids in the backend:

enter image description here

i noticed the 0 value is the default value , and the rest is the specific store ids value. My question is , how can i retrieve by the current store id, and prioritize the record that has the single store id value, for example with store_id = 1 it will retrieve the record with ID 2 ?

i tried this, but this filter can not give the specific store_id as first priority :

                      array('like' => '%'.$this->getStoreId().'%')
                      array('like' => '%0%')
  • Can you please upload your code what you have tried? Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 4:19
  • @RohanHapani done
    – jojo
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 4:23
  • which code you are using to show the store list in admin configuration? Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 6:09

1 Answer 1

                      array('finset' => $this->getStoreId())
                      array('like' => '%0%')

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