I'm trying to migrate my Magento 1 data from a DB located in AWS, to a Magento 2 in a local dockerized enviroment.
When I run
bin/magento migrate:settings -a -r -vvv app/code/Mymodules/Migration/etc/opensource-to-opensource/
The connection is refused
[PDOException (2002)] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused
I've already opened the 3306 port to my local adding a Inbound rule to the Security Group, like this:
MYSQL/Aurora | TPC | 3306 | MYIPADDRESS/32 | My description
- I'm using the Magento's non-root MySQL credentials, so remote connection should allowed right?
- What else could be blocking the connection?
- Is it possible to connect Data Migration Tool to a remote DB using a SSH Tunnel?
Extra details
If I try to connect from my terminal this way, the connection is also refused:
mysql -hxx.xxx.xx.xx -p3306 -umyuser -pmypassword
Here's my config.xml details:
<database host="xx.xxx.xx.xx" port="3306" name="mydb" user="myuser" password="mypassword" />
<database host="" name="magento" user="magento" password="magento" />