We are having an issues with wishlist function. Products are not added to the wishlist.
In system.log and exception.log we get the following messages, when a customer click on "add to wishlist" in frontend:
[2020-01-26 17:32:00] main.CRITICAL: Item (Magento\Wishlist\Model\Item) with the same ID "5192" already exists. [] []
[2020-01-26 17:20:08] main.CRITICAL: The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try again. {"exception":"[object] (Magento\\Framework\\Exception\\NoSuchEntityException(code: 0): The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try again. at /home/xxxxx/www/vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/ProductRepository.php:310)"} []
customer/section/load/ message: "Item (Magento\Wishlist\Model\Item\Interceptor) with the same ID "13620" already exists."
Does any one know how can we fix this issue?
Best regards, Jesper