I am using MSI.
When trying to create a shipment with a source code, the shipment uses the "default source" instead of the one I'm providing.
My Request: [POST] /rest/default/V1/order/5/ship
"items": [
"order_item_id": 14,
"qty": 1
"extension_attributes" : {
"source_code" : "3"
I've used this documentation to create my request: https://devdocs.magento.com/swagger/index_23.html#/salesShipmentRepositoryV1/salesShipmentRepositoryV1SavePost
The source "3" has sufficient stock, so this shouldn't be the issue
When "default source" has stock, the shipment is created uses stock from "default source"
When "default source" has no stock, I get the following:
Shipment Document Validation Error(s):\nThe order does not allow a shipment to be created.\nYou can't create a shipment without products.
So it definitely tries to use the default source, which is what I don't want.
My question: How can I tell Magento to use my source code? Do I need to provide the source code in a different way?