I am using MSI.

When trying to create a shipment with a source code, the shipment uses the "default source" instead of the one I'm providing.

My Request: [POST] /rest/default/V1/order/5/ship

    "items": [
            "order_item_id": 14,
            "qty": 1
    "extension_attributes" : {
        "source_code" : "3"

I've used this documentation to create my request: https://devdocs.magento.com/swagger/index_23.html#/salesShipmentRepositoryV1/salesShipmentRepositoryV1SavePost

The source "3" has sufficient stock, so this shouldn't be the issue

  • When "default source" has stock, the shipment is created uses stock from "default source"

  • When "default source" has no stock, I get the following: Shipment Document Validation Error(s):\nThe order does not allow a shipment to be created.\nYou can't create a shipment without products.

So it definitely tries to use the default source, which is what I don't want.

My question: How can I tell Magento to use my source code? Do I need to provide the source code in a different way?

4 Answers 4


The issue lies in the JSON structure. You should use arguments.extension_attributes.source_code, instead of extension_attributes.source_code as shown below:

    "items": [
            "order_item_id": 14,
            "qty": 1
    "arguments": {
        "extension_attributes" : {
            "source_code" : "3"

Then, it will create the shipment (using the specified source) and return the shipment_id as the response.

I have tested this in Magento 2.3.2-p2


I think you pass the wrong source code.

"source_code" : "3"

If you open the following class:


Following code snippet resolve correct source:

if (empty($sourceCode)) {
    $websiteId = $order->getStore()->getWebsiteId();
    $stockId = $this->stockByWebsiteIdResolver->execute((int)$websiteId)->getStockId();
    $sources = $this->getSourcesAssignedToStockOrderedByPriority->execute((int)$stockId);
    //TODO: need ro rebuild this logic | create separate service
    if (!empty($sources) && count($sources) == 1) {
        $sourceCode = $sources[0]->getSourceCode();
    } else {
        $sourceCode = $this->defaultSourceProvider->getCode();

So following code returns nothing and tried from the default source.

$sources = $this->getSourcesAssignedToStockOrderedByPriority->execute((int)$stockId);

  • Good to know Sohel! This helped me find my issue, as specified in my own answer. It had to do with how I structured my JSON request
    – Toine H
    Commented Dec 16, 2019 at 9:31

This post is in top searches for the following error:

Shipment Document Validation Error(s):
The order does not allow a shipment to be created.
You can't create a shipment without products.

So I'll add my experience which in my case was because, Magento 2 has a designed flaw (in my humble opinion).

I needed to be able to push partial-shipping and I was going crazy by trying to push the simple product Id (logically thinking - I don't see how there can be any other option).
But, every time I was getting the same upper error.

I was creating the shipment by submitting the data to following url (POST) (magento wiki):


This was the submitted data:

    "appendComment": 1,
    "comment": {
        "comment": "Shipment created via API",
        "is_visible_on_front": 1
  "items": [
      "order_item_id": 369,
      "qty": 1
  "notify": 1,
  "tracks": [
      "track_number": "54149997365",
      "title": "Shipment 1300000010",
      "carrier_code": "DHL"

This line was the one creating all the trouble:

"order_item_id": 369,

369 - is the Item_ID for simple product while Magento is waiting the configurable Item_id which in my case was:


So, magento is expecting the configurable order item id and NOT the simple product item id.

I just have one question: why Magento? WHYY??
Never-mind the fact you force in URL to use the internal order_id and not the incremental_id but using the configurable instead of simple product :( ?!?

P.S. Another reason for the same error is: if the shipment already exists.


I face the same issue. In my case, the root cause was completely wrong order_item_id

NOTICE order_item_id IS NOT EQUAL product_id

You can get order_item_id for example with request rest/all/V1/orders/{order_id}

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