I have added a field as per Magento standard structure, hidden field appeared but value is not showing.

$fieldset->addField('entity_type_id', 'hidden', 
      'name'               => 'entity_type_id',
      'value'              => 11

NOTE : I have tried 'value' instead of 'values' but not working

Can anyone suggest how can I set the field value in Magento 2 admin form.

2 Answers 2


custom field with field value


NOTE : I got reference from this answer and it is working perfectly fine for me for hidden field as well for text field.


Try This :-

Reference :- vendor/magento/module-sales/Block/Adminhtml/Order/Status/NewStatus/Form.php

Line no. 40

$fieldset->addField('entity_type_id', 'hidden', 
      'name' => 'entity_type_id',
      'value' => 11

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