I got 2 variations of the store - EU and USA. I need to disable the PayPal Express method on the EU store, how can I do that?
There no option to disable Payment on EU store: But avaliable on default config:
I got 2 variations of the store - EU and USA. I need to disable the PayPal Express method on the EU store, how can I do that?
There no option to disable Payment on EU store: But avaliable on default config:
I waste much time to make a bad hack. Here payments methods displays:
<div if="isPaymentMethodsAvailable()"
class="items payment-methods">
<div repeat="foreach: paymentGroupsList, item: '$group'"
<div if="getRegion($group().displayArea)().length"
<each args="data: getRegion($group().displayArea), as: 'method'" render=""/>
I changed PayPal title from the admin menu on EU store to PayPal hidden
I found the js file that renders this components:
Then I check on initChildren
method this title:
initChildren: function () {
var self = this;
_.each(paymentMethods(), function (paymentMethodData) {
if(paymentMethodData.title!="PayPal hidden") {
return this;