Products are visible only on the search page, but not available on the category page.

Admin products visibility on Catalog and Search: enter image description here

Category page screen: enter image description here Category page filters show the count of products: enter image description here Search success: enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Set the required product's visibility to catalog, search and reindex the indexes using the following command ;

php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • Sorry, I forget to write that, but everything is already done - indexer:reindex, cache:flush, indexer:reset and etc. Still the same.
    – Ashen One
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 8:05

The checklist for whether items are in stock follows :

  1. The products must be Visible in Catalog.
  2. The products must be Enabled.
  3. Product must have a stock Quantity.
  4. The product must be set to In Stock.
  5. If the product is set not to track stock, it still has to have a stock Quantity and be set to In Stock.
  6. The product must be assigned to the target Category.
  7. If using multi-website mode (or if you imported the products through Data Flow), the products must be assigned to the target Website.
  8. You must refresh your Cache /Indices, just to make sure.
  • Done, but no result.
    – Ashen One
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 12:06
  • Applied the following code into the SQL: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW inventory_stock_1 AS select distinct legacy_stock_status.product_id AS product_id, legacy_stock_status.website_id AS website_id, legacy_stock_status.stock_id AS stock_id, legacy_stock_status.qty AS quantity, legacy_stock_status.stock_status AS is_salable, product.sku AS sku from ( cataloginventory_stock_status legacy_stock_status join catalog_product_entity product on (( legacy_stock_status.product_id = product.entity_id ))); Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 13:01

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