I am facing an issue with elastic search. I can not able to reindex catalosearch_fulltext.
[2019-05-06 11:54:08] report.CRITICAL: Notice: Undefined index: magento2_stg_product_1_v32 in /app/Staging/vendor/magento/module-elasticsearch/Elasticsearch5/Model/Client/Elasticsearch.php on line 173 {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Notice: Undefined index: magento2_stg_product_1_v32 in /app/Staging/vendor/magento/module-elasticsearch/Elasticsearch5/Model/Client/Elasticsearch.php on line 173 at /app/Staging/vendor/magento/framework/App/ErrorHandler.php:61)"} []
Is there anyone knows how can I fix this issue. The issue is getting in only stating site. integration and production site are working fine.
I have already removed all custom attributes from Use in search **, **Use in Layered Navigation and Use in Search Results Layered Navigation.
Still not working. can anyone help me to fix this issue?
I have already checked with the production database on the staging site.
NOTE: Firstly, we have added attributes manually and then after sometimes we have updated that attributes from upgrade script.
curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/magento2*