sizes options not showing on configurable products if all sizes out of stock.
Any way to show out of stock sizes?


3 Answers 3


I not sure to tell , may be that out-of-stack message issue occure based on the quantity of products. so check your quantity in (simple products-configurable) through admin panel.


As per my understanding of your question, It is default Magento bug. (Maybe I am wrong ).

This issue is already reported in Magento Github (Attributes - Display Out of Stock Products). and this issue is open issue.

I hope it helps!


Yo! Yo! Find Solution!
override vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/templates/product/view/form.phtml

Create in below directory and open file


Remove $_product->isSaleable() condition from line no.35

enter image description here
enter image description here

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