when I am trying to install extensions in Magento 2.3 getting an error Cron job has not been configured yet help me how to solve this

Error from Setup Application Cron Script:
Cron job has not been configured yet
Other checks will fail as a result (PHP version, PHP settings, and PHP 

Error from Updater Application Cron Script:
Cron job has not been configured yet
  • So did You found different solution?
    – BartZalas
    Commented Feb 14, 2019 at 14:40

1 Answer 1


You can run in console:

magento cron:install

This will add Magento cron configuration to your server.

After this check logs Magento directory .

From question we actually don't knoe did you installed Cron jobs , if yes do you have any logs?

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