My current version is magento 2.2.6 and i am facing a strange issue.

My checkout page do not display firstname,postcode,and telephone input field on checkout page.

whenever i try to place order it gives message

"firstname and telephone are required field".

I have disabled all custom extensions and default checkout method is also not displaying those fields. what should i do to display those fields in checkout page. Any one help would be appreciated.

1 Answer 1


Please remove below folders from your project.

rm -rf pub/static/adminhtml rm -rf pub/static/frontend rm -rf generated/ rm -rf var/cache var/composer_home var/page_cache var/view_preprocessed

after that run below command lines:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB en_US php bin/magento cache:flush

  • Why we need to deploy the static files two times? Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 8:01

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