
When using the CMS shortcode for selecting a category:

{{block class="Mageplaza\Productslider\Block\CategoryId" template="Mageplaza_Productslider::productslider.phtml" products_count="8" heading="test heading" category_id="5" description="test"}}

the category_id field apparently is wrong/incorrect? My category 5 is a child category of the Default Category in Magento 2.2.7

I get the following error:

Error filtering template: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/MYFOLDER/vendor/mageplaza/magento-2-product-slider/Block/CategoryId.php on line 96

Can anyone help ASAP?

I have products within this category so it should be fine?

  • Put screenshot of your categories with selection of category which have id 5. Commented Jan 8, 2019 at 16:48

1 Answer 1


The issue with the Magento version some of version its working fine and for some of version its not working.

To solve the problem, you should add the following code in 2 files:

  • app/code/Mageplaza/Productslider/Block/CategoryId.php
  • app/code/Mageplaza/Productslider/Block/AbstractSlider.php

-At Category.php file, change

foreach ($catIds as $catId) {
            $category   = $this->_categoryFactory->create()->load($catId);

in line 96 & 97 into

if ($this->getSlider()) {
            foreach ($catIds as $catId) {
                $category   = $this->_categoryFactory->create()->load($catId);
                $collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create()

                foreach ($collection as $item) {
                    $productIds[] = $item->getData('entity_id');
        if ($this->getData('category_id')) {
            $category   = $this->_categoryFactory->create()->load($catIds);

At AbstractSlider.php, change code in function getDisplayAdditional() into

public function getDisplayAdditional()
        if($this->getSlider()) {
            $display = $this->getSlider()->getDisplayAdditional();
            if (!is_array($display)) {
                $display = explode(',', $display);
            $display = $this->_helperData->getModuleConfig('general/display_information');
            if (!is_array($display)) {
                $display = explode(',', $display);
        return $display;

Reference :You can check the below Git URL they have given some solution :



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