I created folder < root >/access and here put template files landing page.

Now this landing page is runing from index.html


Ok, looks like everything is ok.

Step 2

Now I go to magento back end --> content and create page

Now I copy all contect from index.html and put in magento back-end enter image description here

Of course, in this code I changed location to .js and .css and img by add before link, our folder name access/

Ok, now we try open this page we create before in backend: https://b2bstyle.pl/dostep

But impossible, still loading....

Any solution?

1 Answer 1


You cannot implement HTML this way.

You have to follow Magento 2 frontend architecture. https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/frontend-dev-guide/bk-frontend-dev-guide.html

You have to knowledge of Layout and templates, Less, knockout Js,require JS.

You have used the basic way to include js to the system, You cannot add js at this way at magento2.

So, follow magento2 frontend architecture.

  • Does this require big changes in files? I am a beginner so if it will require a lot of changes then I will have to look for a different solution.
    – Sylvester
    Commented Jan 4, 2019 at 9:42
  • I little changed now our page and add content in magento: b2bstyle.pl/dostep but still little wrong: should be: hurtownia.b2bstyle.pl Can you please help us solve this issue?
    – Sylvester
    Commented Jan 4, 2019 at 16:31

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