I want to set field value of form field in Magento 2.

Actual Result enter image description here

Expected Result

enter image description here

I have added required code here which are available in my Form.php

namespace Magenest\Membership\Block\Adminhtml\Gift\Edit;

class Form extends FormGeneric
    protected $_status;
    protected $_systemStore;
    protected $_wysiwygConfig;
    protected $productGift;

    public function __construct(
        Context $context,
        Registry $registry,
        FormFactory $formFactory,
        GroupRepositoryInterface $groupRepository,
        SearchCriteriaBuilder $searchCriteriaBuilder,
        DataObject $objectConverter,
        SystemStore $systemStore,
        Config $wysiwygConfig,
        ProductGift $productGift,
        array $data = []
    ) {
        $this->_systemStore           = $systemStore;
        $this->_groupRepository       = $groupRepository;
        $this->_searchCriteriaBuilder = $searchCriteriaBuilder;
        $this->_objectConverter       = $objectConverter;
        $this->_wysiwygConfig = $wysiwygConfig;
        $this->productGift = $productGift;
        parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $data);

    protected function _prepareForm()
        $model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('membership_gift_edit');
        $data  = $model->getData();
        $form = $this->_formFactory->create();

        $fieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Gift')." ".$model->getId()]);

        if ($model->getId()) {
                ['name' => 'id']

                    'label'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'title'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'name'     => 'customer_id',
                    'required' => true,

        return parent::_prepareForm();


I have tried as below but didn't get result.

Try 1:

                    'label'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'title'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'name'     => 'customer_id',
                    'required' => true,

Try 2:

                    'label'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'title'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'name'     => 'customer_id',
                    'value' => 'test',


I also refer below link but still facing an issue. How to set field value of form field in Magento 2

4 Answers 4


Try this

        'label'    => __('Customer Id'),
        'title'    => __('Customer Id'),
        'name'     => 'customer_id',
        'required' => true,

$model->setData('customer_id', '10');

Second way:

You can achieve this using following way also.

        'label'    => __('Customer Id'),
        'title'    => __('Customer Id'),
        'name'     => 'customer_id',
        'required' => true,
        'value' => '10',


    if ($model->getId()) {

setValues() function is overriding the 'value' that you have set for the field. This line of code which would reset the form values:



Set model data before setValues() function as below:

if (!$model->getId()) {
    $model->setData('customer_id', '19');

Use below code on same file it will sure work.

$model->setData('customer_id', "20");

I did use below code and its work fine for me

enter image description here

$model->setData('title', "yourValue");

You can try the below solution as well.

namespace Magenest\Membership\Block\Adminhtml\Gift\Edit;

class Form extends FormGeneric
    protected $_status;
    protected $_systemStore;
    protected $_wysiwygConfig;
    protected $productGift;

    public function __construct(
        Context $context,
        Registry $registry,
        FormFactory $formFactory,
        GroupRepositoryInterface $groupRepository,
        SearchCriteriaBuilder $searchCriteriaBuilder,
        DataObject $objectConverter,
        SystemStore $systemStore,
        Config $wysiwygConfig,
        ProductGift $productGift,
        array $data = []
    ) {
        $this->_systemStore           = $systemStore;
        $this->_groupRepository       = $groupRepository;
        $this->_searchCriteriaBuilder = $searchCriteriaBuilder;
        $this->_objectConverter       = $objectConverter;
        $this->_wysiwygConfig = $wysiwygConfig;
        $this->productGift = $productGift;
        parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $data);

    protected function _prepareForm()
        $model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('membership_gift_edit');
        $data  = $model->getData();
        $form = $this->_formFactory->create();

        $fieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Gift')." ".$model->getId()]);

        if ($model->getId()) {
                ['name' => 'id']

                    'label'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'title'    => __('Customer Id'),
                    'name'     => 'customer_id',
                    'required' => true,
                    'value' => '19'

        $_data = $model->getData();
        if ($model->getId()) {
        return parent::_prepareForm();

  • Can you please explain what did you do to show the value? Because he has already tried your solution with `'value' => 'test' but it didn't work for him. Is there anything else you did? Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 9:00
  • Did you check the whole code? I have also put condition just before setForm. Don't comment without checking the whole code. Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 9:02
  • Yes I saw that but he already did it. He tried with $form->setValues($model->getData()); and you just took the $model->getData(); in variable and then set it. Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 9:04
  • 1
    I just want to learn that's why I am asking you. Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 9:04
  • Okay I got it. You are seting the data only if the model has id. otherwise you are not seting the data. Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 9:05

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